Discovering Tree Frog Farm
/Diana Pepper and John Robinson at Tree Frog Farm
As soon as I walked onto the land at Tree Frog Farm I knew I was home. John and I met in Boulder Colorado in fall of 1996. In winter of 1997 we visited the land he called Tree Frog Farm. I fell in love, not only with him, also with the land. I had lived in Seattle before moving to Boulder. We both missed the Northwest, so we began making plans to move back. It took two and a half more years. As we arrived on the Whatcom Chief - the little 20-car ferry - in July of 1999, I felt a surge of joy for returning to this lovely land.
John had purchased the property in 1976, and soon after began building a home and digging a septic system. The tree frogs kept jumping into the water at the bottom of the hole. So he jokingly called the place Tree Frog Farm. When we started our business in 2000, there was no other name. It had to be called Tree Frog Farm.
A Wildlife Sanctuary
Birds and squirrels live here year ‘round. It is fun to watch their antics. In spring we love having the migrating birds arrive. There are more than 20 species of birds that nest here. We are registered as a wildlife sanctuary and as forest stewards by Washington State in recognition of the wildlife habitat in the gardens and native woods here at Tree Frog Farm.
Flower Essences: Alumroot
Alumroot (Heuchera micrantha)
Over the last 16 years we have developed a line of flower essences with the native and garden plants that grow here. One of my favorites is Alumroot, a native plant of this area that grows 6 to 24 inches tall, and is usually found in stream-banks, rock crevices, and mossy talus slopes. It helps with erosion control and creates a more hospitable soil environment for other plants to grow. Alumroot has bright green leaves and grows in clumps with very small, white flowers in open clusters on slender reddish stems. Leaves and roots can be used for sore gums and throat, liver issues, stomach pain, chaffing and blisters.
On the flower essence level, Alumroot is helpful when you feel afraid to show other people who you really are because you have experienced that your gifts and talents are not understood or appreciated. It is also helpful for times when you feel like you are exposing yourself to possible criticism or failure, like with public speaking, singing or other performance arts. Another gift of Alumroot Essence is to support you when you feel exposed from hanging on the edge of new discoveries about yourself, your life, or your spiritual process. Alumroot flower essence is a great ally as you step into new intentions for sharing your talents and abilities in the New Year.
Visit Tree Frog Farm
The garden in summer
Here at Tree Frog Farm, we also blend essential oils and flower essences to make fragrant aromatherapy misters and bath salts, which are available at Sister’s Gift Shop in the Islander Store. Or come visit us here at Tree Frog Farm. Enjoy the birds, gardens and peaceful feeling. See our full line of flower essence and aromatherapy products displayed in the yurt gift shop. Call (360) 758-7260 for an appointment or drop by on the Memorial Day or Labor Day Weekend Artists Tours.
For more information visit us at
InJoy, Diana